
目前显示的是 九月, 2017的博文


today we talk about the business, a lot of factory are located in Asia, like China, tailand ,because the salary is less than America, so they chose here. Situation it is the location of a place relative to other places.  It is a valuable way to indicate location, for 2 reasons, finding unfamiliar places/understanding its importances.


"Site and Situation" First off what is a site?    Site is the physical character of a place and includes things like climate, water sources, topography, soil, latitude and elevation, Elevation is the comparison of something depending on its height above sea level. The higher it is the harder it is to breath.and we have test today hhhhhhh


today is the best day to me, today's class was very funny, we talk about the world, like will we have 3trd world war? North Korea's nuclear weapons, i said a joke about that, it's fire work!  We also discussed other current events in our world today like the football players about last night, it is so cool!


we show our map to Mr.schick, i'm not good at drawing, so i draw a ugly picture, then we talk about the world unique, Place, social , regions, it is a easy class, and today may a good day.


we recive the score of the test,   If you were to get a 90-99% you would have Mr. Schick ring the bel, that was good, but i didn't have that, so sad, and we will drew two pictures, one for world, one for us!


ehh, today is a bad day for me, because i feel sleepy, and i don't have the high score in my studying, that was not good, and Everything is chaotic, i need fix it. so i hope next day will be better!


We will be talking about three main points. Why is each point on earth different, Why are places similar, And why are some actions unsustainable.we talk about the  regions too, and we talk about two different map, see wihch on is better, sometimes the map will opsited.


Today we have a test, i did't do it good, i forget a lot of things, I think I should go over my notes more, and notice that every little detail, no more careless,. Remember to remember every piece of knowledge human Geo is a good course, i need good grades, next test i will be better than today!


today we reviewed the whole time for our test tomorrow.  we talked about  A Message To Garcia , ancient Greece and Socrates. it is so interesting! 


review last day's points, then we talk about the word"idiot", which it means who didn't contribute to politics and the community were know as idiot originating form the word idiot which means the self! we will looking for what does excellence means? to JC student, to Elbert Hubhard to the ancent Greeks?


agora: -market polis-city Socrates : was a  classical Greek  ( Athenian )  philosopher  credited as one of the founders of  Western philosophy . He is an enigmatic figure known chiefly through the accounts of  classical writers , especially the writings of his students  Plato  and  Xenophon  and the plays of his contemporary  Aristophanes .

note of the class

                              A message to Garcia Elbert Hubbard-1899 march reprinted as a pamphlet and a book sold over 40million copies, translated into 37 language. made into a movie twice. 1.setting: the Spanish-American war 2.Garcia: a revolutionary seeking cuban independence from Spain 3:Rowan: an army officer west point, class of 1881. 4: mainly president William mckinley 5:tallest mountain in  north America was renamed for him until 2015